- The John Creasey Online Resource -


This website is not designed as a mechanism for buying / selling John Creasey books.

As stated elsewhere, the purpose of this website is to catalogue, and maintain a reference work for John Creasey and his works.

This site is built, maintained and contributed to by its members for this purpose

Whilst many of the members do have several duplicates copies, they are primarily for exchange with fellow collectors. Each member regularly notifies other collectors when they have duplicate copies. If there is a particular title for which you are searching, or you are a collector with books for trade, please contact the webmaster via our 'Contact Form' , who will circulate your request round fellow collectors. Book dealers with Creasey titles languishing on their shelves are more than welcome to provide sales lists.

In order to reduce the risk of spam, members' individual email addresses are not listed here.

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